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The NET Patient Journey
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Live Broadcast: Thursday, February 20 2025, 7 pm Eastern
Member Price: $0.00
Non-Member Price: $40.00
CAMRT reserves the right to verify membership status and to reclaim the difference between the member and non-member CPD course fees, should a discrepancy exist.
Category A credits 1.00**
**Credits subject to minor change before broadcast.
Dr. Simron Singh from Sunnybrook Hospital will join us to speak on the NET patient journey, and registration is open now to save the date! Join us on Feb 20, 2025 at 7pm eastern time (with an on-demand version to follow). More details will come on this webinar will come, shortly. Many thanks to Curium, for ensuring that members can access this webinar for free! Please contact
with any questions.
The content and views presented in this webinar are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the CAMRT. This webinar does not constitute endorsement of any products that may be presented.
This event will be presented on Zoom, you can test Zoom ahead of time on your device here:
If you do not have a Zoom account, you can quickly create one for free here:
Group viewing is not recommended. To receive credits for participating, candidates must be logged in with an individual (free Basic) Zoom account.
If viewing in a group, note that each candidate who wishes to claim credit must be individually registered into the webinar through the CAMRT catalogue and log into the broadcast with their individual join link. They must contact the webinar host (CAMRT CPD) in the chat at the beginning of the webinar to ensure that credit can be associated with their Zoom account.
Do not share your individual link with anybody, it is unique to you and will allow the CAMRT to recognize you for credits.
CAMRT reserves the right to withhold credit if participation in the webinar cannot be reasonably established.
IMPORTANT: Be sure you are logged in using the same name and email address you registered for the event with. Note this is critical for CAMRT to be able to recognize you on the attendance sheet for CPD credits.
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