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Leadership Skills Fall 2025
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Member Price: $390.00
Non-Member Price: $780.00
CAMRT reserves the right to verify membership status and to reclaim the difference between the member and non-member CPD course fees, should a discrepancy exist.
This course is assessed at 40 continuing education hours in Canada and also recognized by the ARRT for 9 Category A credits.
This course is designed to introduce the concept of transformational leadership in a health care environment, and will be relevant to all those with an interest in leadership, either in a formal or informal setting. The course describes how a transformational leadership style can be used to improve methods of communication, employee satisfaction and motivation, change management, conflict resolution ethical decision-making. Skills learned in this course are directly applicable to those working in the field of medical radiation technology. The course uses self reflection to apply course concepts to individuals unique experiences. The course will help relate the theories and concepts of leadership to individual work experiences, and will be of benefit at any stage of career.
The final examination for this course is delivered online only.
Textbook: No textbook required
Course materials are available only upon the term’s registration deadline.
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Candidates are expected to download and install Adobe Acrobat Reader DC (free pdf viewer) required for properly viewing the course manual:
The Leadership Skills course is a didactic requirement for the Leadership Foundations Micro Certificate.
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