Member Price: $0.00
Non-Member Price: $40.00
CAMRT reserves the right to verify membership status and to reclaim the difference between the member and non-member CPD course fees, should a discrepancy exist.
1.75 Category A credits/credit hours
Iodine-125 Breast Cancer Localization: Planting the Seed of a New “Best Practice”
Presenter: Joanne Soltesz , RTNM, RSO, Supervisor and Radiation Safety Officer for Nuclear Medicine RCH
Learning Objectives:
o Discuss radioseed localization best practices as experienced by this group
o Understand how RSL has enhanced provider experience
o Discuss how RSL has enhanced patient care
Breast Imaging and Seed localization at the Joint Department of Medical Imaging, University Health Network
Presenter: Aruna Mahabir-Narine, MHM, MRT(R), DMS, CBIS
Learning Objectives:
o Understand the use of breast localization at JDMI (Princess Margaret hospital, Women's College Hospital and Mount Sinai hospital)
o Discuss useful techniques for breast localization
o Identify insertion techniques
o Examine reasons for localization
2023 - Before and After Positioning Makeover
Presenters: Amanda Hunter RT(R), CBI, RDMS Br. Provincial Practice Leader & Shelley Pietraroia @ BC Cancer Breast Screening
Learning Objectives:
o Discuss the before and after of a positioning makeover in British Columbia
o Understand the most common screening image positioning errors across the province of BC
o Understand simple techniques to help resolve positioning errors
o Be aware of how to provide positive solutions to issues encountered in the exam room
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