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Cultural Safety: Diversity and Inclusion Micro Certificate Bundle (Special Pricing for 6 modules)
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Member Price: $400
Non-Member Price: $800
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The goals of the Cultural Safety: Diversity & Inclusion Certificate program are to:
• Promote and support culturally safe and compassionate care.
• Promote and support respect, equitable treatment, equitable care, non-discrimination through a bias and barrier-free professional environment.
• Create a culture of openness.
• Provide opportunities for MRTs to explore, learn and reflect on issues of diversity and inclusion relevant to MRT practice and beyond.
The six modules include:
• Identity Matters: LGBTQ2S+ Education for MRTs* (4 quick self studies):
- LGBTQ2S+ Background and History
- LGBTQ2S+ Experiences in Healthcare
- Creating LGBTQ2S+ Affirming Healthcare Environments
- Allyship for LGBTQ2S+ People
• Creating an Inclusive MRT Environment for People with Disabilities Quick Self Study
• Enhancing Communications through Cultural Humility Quick Self Study
Candidates who successfully complete all six modules will receive the Cultural Safety: Diversity and Inclusion Micro Certificate Digital Badge.
Candidates have 24 months from the date of purchase to complete each post quiz for category “A” credit / hours and to receive their Digital Badge.
Candidates who have surpassed their 24-month deadline will have to re-purchase the Quick Self Study (ies) not submitted.
The CAMRT allows candidates who have failed to obtain a 75% pass mark one additional attempt at each post quiz. An administration fee applies: $25 for members and $50 for non-members. Candidates have three years from the original date of this bundle’s registration to apply for a rewrite.
Included with this Item
Creating an Inclusive MRT Environment for People with Disabilities
This quick self study aims to support MRTs create an inclusive environment for people with disabilities. This is done through exploration of the medical and social models of disability, a description of various disability types commonly encountered in the MRT environment, a careful look at accessibility in the MRT environment though patient stories, and a discussion of proper etiquette for communicating and interacting with people with disabilities.
Enhancing Communication through Cultural Humility
This self-study module was developed to enhance awareness and curiosity about a mosaic of cultures, while developing an appreciation for the implications culture has on health care provision. Common sources of misunderstanding will be identified and practical strategies to improve care for culturally diverse patients will be presented. The characteristics/beliefs of some cultures in this document are generalizations. It is important to always remember every patient is an individual, care must be taken to not stereotype. Throughout this module, case studies/stories will be used to illustrate cultural diversity and to invoke reader reflection on cultural differences. Gaining cultural sensitivity, awareness and humility is a lifelong, rewarding journey, especially as healthcare providers.
Post-quiz must be completed by your micro certificate program deadline. Marks will be posted in your CAMRT course profile within 3 weeks of completion.
Candidates who are unsuccessful in obtaining the 75% pass mark have one full year from the original date of registration to apply for a rewrite. A $25 administrative fee applies for members and $50 for a non-member. This also applies to the complimentary presentations.
Candidates who have surpassed their deadline must re-register for the course.
Module 1: LGBTQ2S+ Background and History
Introduces the learner to the LGBTQ2S+ community, including the historical context, terminology and language related to sexual orientation and gender identity and expression as well as the theory of intersectionality.
Module 2: LGBTQ2S+ Experiences in Healthcare
Introduces some of the unique healthcare needs and challenges of the LGBTQ2S+ community including the specific needs of some non-cisgender people related to transitioning. Protective factors (issues and actions that can help mitigate the effects of discrimination and stigma) are also covered.
Module 3: Creating LGBTQ2S+ Affirming Healthcare Environments
Examines Medical Radiation Technology practice to identify strategies to build an affirming healthcare environment for LGBTQ2S+ patients. Respectful and inclusive communication strategies, policies and guidelines, a welcoming physical environment and the importance of health professional education are also covered.
Module 4: Allyship for LGBTQ2S+ People
Examines definitions of allyship, the importance of considering power and privilege and why allyship is important for LGBTQ2S+ people including how to be an effective ally and tips to help speak up and handle missteps and challenges.
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